We believe
The Gospel is the story of: (i) the good creation of God; (ii) the sinfulness of man; (iii) God’s gracious provision of redemption in Christ; (iv) and the ultimate hope of restoration.
God is eternal, One-in-Three Persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) who are to be equally loved, honored, and adored.
Humanity is marred and broken by sin and needs a Redeemer. We are without hope if God does not intervene to provide salvation for us.
Jesus is the fully human and fully divine Son of God, promised Messiah, and only Redeemer of humanity. He has provided for our salvation through His perfect life, sacrificial death, and physical resurrection.
Our salvation is all by grace, we can bring nothing to it, nor do we contribute anything to it. Even our faith is a gracious gift of God.
The Bible, in its entirety, is without error, inspired by God and authoritative for our lives.
The Church, established by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, is God’s family. It is called to preach the gospel, administering the sacraments, and provide nurture and training in righteousness for God’s people. Its purpose is to fulfill God’s mission of bringing people from every tribe, tongue and nation to Himself for the praise of His glory.
Reformed: We believe the biblical truths summarized in the historic Reformed confessions of the Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church: the Apostles Creed, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Second Helvetic Confession.
Reformed churches across the world emphasize the “Five Sola’s of the Reformation,” where “sola” is Latin for “alone”, “unrivaled”, “unmixed”. Accordingly, we hold fast to Scripture alone (Mark 7:8-13), Christ alone (1 Tim. 2:5), grace alone (Eph. 2:8-9), faith alone (Rom. 1:17), and the glory of God alone (Isa 42:8). Taken together, the five solas champion the message of the Gospel: that God freely saves sinners through His Son Jesus Christ.